Monday, November 21, 2011

Philly Recap

I don't have much more to say than she came, she saw, she conquered (her 1st half marathon!):

Running along South Street

After the race, we made sure to take part in the one thing that everyone must do - partake in cheese steak eating.  However, ours had a little spin to it, since 99.9% of cheese steaks aren't served on gluten free rolls.  However, we came across Paesano's through some research, and they made one heck of a sandwich!  It wasn't wit wiz in the traditional sense, but the beef brisket and the potatoes were amazing!
No, its not Pat's or Geno's, but it IS gluten free and DELICIOUS
So proud of Rebecca for not only chasing her dream of running a half marathon, but by doing it with such ease.  She seemed calm and cool when I saw her out on the course and managed to finish strong up the last hill when I saw her make her way toward the finish.

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