Friday, October 10, 2008

I've Been Rescued!

If you remember from my last post, my Yankz laces managed to bust after many, many hard run miles and races.  They lasted more than 2 years through snow, sleet, and extreme heat. But alas, they ran out of oomph.  That is, until I was contacted my Yankz in response to my post.  The wonderful people at Yankz were nice enough to send me a replacement pair.  

And thankfully, they arrived just in time so I can go for my long run tomorrow morning.

See how happy my shoe looks now?

Thanks Yankz!


  1. Awesome of them!

    And wow, that shoe looks WAY to clean...I'm guessing fall will take care of that.

  2. Your yankz look so nice and neat. I can never get mine to look good! What's your secret?

  3. AWESOME!!!

    I had a Yanks! rep come up to me at an REI where I was giving a Triathlon 101 talk and said he noticed my Yanks! in my shoes and heard how I was promoting them and he asked for my address and sent me two pairs of the reflective ones. I was floored and elated at the same time. I love my Yanks! Your shoe does look happy. :0)
