Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Tidbits - Father's Day Edition

Sometimes, I feel like the only way to get a post in is just to bullet point style the crap out of things.  When life is busy, there isn't time for long in depth posts, so here we go:

- I'm a winner!  I recently won a Camelback Racing Vest in a giveaway on Steve in a Speedo's site.  Since this is the first time I've seen a Camelback racing vest, I'm really looking forward to using it during the hot summer months.  Looks pretty intense!

- Since Father's Day is on Sunday, I figured it would be appropriate to run in a Father's Day 5k.  Though I'm certainly not in peak condition, I'm just looking forward to getting out there and getting in a solid workout.  I'm going to race it, but I just don't think I am going to match my recent PR.

- Last week I managed to hit 40+ miles, despite getting all of my runs done in the morning.  This typically means 5 am runs, but I am starting to get into the habit now, so it is easier to just get it done without battling the head demons telling you to go back to sleep.

- The only problem with my morning schedule is that I typically need to be downtown by 8:30 am, which means I really only have 1 hr to actually run when you do the math.  For anyone not living in the DC area, the sad fact is that typical commutes are over an hour.  In my case, its about 1:15 each way.  Getting up at 5 am and hitting the trails by 5:15, means I get back by 6:15, shower, eat, and am back out the door for work by 7:15.  Its rush, rush, rush all day, but then I finally come home and have the whole evening to spend with Rebecca and the little man.  The ability to do that in the evening, makes the hectic mornings worthwhile.

 - No post would be complete without a cute baby picture, right?

Is the football really big or am I that small???

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