Friday, April 23, 2010


Now that I got that last baseline test out of the way, I was really interested in seeing what a true test would show. Despite pushing it off in favor of more solid training over the past few weeks, I managed to squeeze another test in this past weekend, in the hopes of getting some idea of whether or not I can run what I'd like to run at my next upcoming race.

So here are the results compared to January's test (my last real test):

- 140 bpm: 9:20/pace
- 150 bpm: 8:20/pace
- 160 bpm: 7:35/pace
- 170 bpm: 6:28/pace

- 140 bpm: 8:58/pace
- 150 bpm: 8:03/pace
- 160 bpm: 7:06/pace
- 170 bpm: 6:20/pace

I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised with some of the higher HR stuff.

But my numbers at 140 are a bit lower than I'd describe for where I am at. I recently wrote about a problem I have when running at easy paces. This proved to force a tricky testing environment for me at the 140 test. You see - it's at the lower intensity stuff that my mind has a chance to think. And as we all know, I like to visualize. More specifically, I caught myself visualizing about this upcoming race. I also get just as excited for these baseline tests as I do for races. And since the lower HR stuff allows the mind to wander a bit more, I found my HR holding me back a bit. Lately, no matter what the distance (anywhere from 4 - 10 miles), I've been averaging around 8:48/mile at a HR of 140 or lower. So, I was hoping for a better number there, but oh well.

In any case, my recent race experience has led me to believe I should be able to hold a pretty fast pace (by my standards). I've been putting a ton of miles out there in training. In fact, the last 2 weeks have been more miles than any 2 consecutive weeks during marathon training.

Am I fully rested for this race? No. I'm not training specifically for this race. Bottom line - this race is gonna hurt! I'm going to run my hardest that my legs will give me on Sunday, just like I have for every other race. Though I don't like putting specific goal numbers out there, I expect to handily beat my previous 10 mile PR. Its been a little while since I've raced a 10 miler and the GW Parkway Classic is a fast course.

So I can make only one prediction: PAIN. LOTS. OF. PAIN.

1 comment:

  1. Well, think of that 140 number as room for improvement :-) I'm kinda fascinated by this test. I think I will try it.
