Thursday, December 17, 2009

Photos From Jingle All The Way 10k

The photos just came out from the 10k on Sunday. Though I am not particularly happy with the way mine turned out, I plucked some of the good ones scattered throughout the race that I considered worthy.

But first - me
Crossing over the small bridge near Mile 1 (in the background)

Back over the same bridge near Mile 6

And now I present to you the highlights (they get better further to the bottom)

Running Snowman

Ugly Sweater Guy

The Joggler

The Penguin

Santa and His Reindeer

Speedy Santa

Xmas Gnome

Not sure what is better - the girl riding the elf or the guy carrying his bike helmet to the right


  1. Holy cow - that's a fricken awesome collection. Hilarious.

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