Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekly Wrapup

It seems that these posts have pretty much been the standard for my input to bloggerland. And well...I have a right to explain myself. I have been very busy. Training. Job. Life. Recently, all 3 of these elements have come together at the same time. I've alluded to change a few times in recent posts. Now I'm willing to share.


Sadly, we had to leave our wonderful diggs in Arlington for the spacious confines of Fairfax. You see, a small 1 br for 2 people and 2 cats can only be home for so long. So, and if you follow Rebecca's blog much, you would know that we won the bid on a forclosure property that we both consider our dream house. Saturday was official moving day. We rented a large truck, enlisted the help of our willing friends, and made the voyage. We still have items to move, but the big stuff is gone. A box here and box there...some cleaning...and hopefully we will be all moved out. Then, it will be time to rent the place out. So if anyone living in the area knows someone who is looking, give me a buzz.

So as I am sure you could imagine, between the preparations of closing on the house, training for a marathon, and working increased hours over the past 3 months at work...I've been what most people would call a little busy.

But, as always, I bring you my training stats for the week.
- Monday - 4 miles easy
- Tuesday - had to take an extra day off since my hamstring was unusually tight from Sunday's run still. Opted for ice and lots of foam rolling instead.
- Wednesday - 6 miles at tempo pace
- Thursday - 4 miles easy
- Friday - Rest
- Saturday - Moving day! Since I had 5 miles at marathon pace on the schedule, and moving consisted of 12 hours of constant lifting and squating, I think its safe to call it even and give myself credit for the 5 miles. My legs certainly felt the effort Sunday morning.
- Sunday - 15 miles in the snow/wind/rain - surprisingly peaceful
Total (including credit for the 5 miles): 34 miles

My hip flexors are a bit sore, but I kept the effort very easy on the long run. My heart rate was by far the lowest it has been at that pace, and I have really started noticing the trend that my body is really adapting to my consistency in training again. My pace to HR ratio is better than it was before the injury, which is great news.

I also got my orthotics this week (finally!). The bad news is that I am not allowed to wear them yet on my long runs, since I have to break them in for the first 2 weeks. Right now, I am restricted to my mid week runs only.

On tap for this week's training is my last increase in mileage before the taper begins. I am hoping for at least 18 miles this weekend. 1 run of this distance isn't the build up I had hoped for going into the race, but if I can get this run in, then I will feel much better. I'd rather be a bit undertrained and healthy than injured.

Have a great week...may it be less busy than mine!

1 comment:

  1. For the record - the cat in suitcase pic is completely awesome. I would say 'cute', but then I'd lose man points.
