Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What The Heck Is Going On Outside!

This morning brought some of the most bizarre weather I have ever seen.  The DC metro area is under a wind advisory, which usually just means that it will be a bit windy for a little while.  Ok, I can deal with that.  Rebecca and I decided to go to CVS this morning to pick up some minor things.  Between our trip to CVS and home, we witnessed the following:
  • While getting in the car we saw all the trash cans on the street knocked over, with trash flying around the whole street
  • Thousands of copies of the Express swirling around the Clarendon Metro Station, with about 6 people and a trash bag trying to pick up all the paper covering the street and sidewalk
  • A giant trash dumpster that had been blown across the street and into a metered parking space (lucky no car was parked at the time)
  • A heavy metal chair from a local restaurant that had been blown about 20 ft from the outside patio into the middle of the street
  • A large 4' x 4' sign blowing down the street
  • More garbage cans knocked over
When I finally got home, I observed even more weird behavior:
  • Rebecca calling me on her way to work to tell me that a giant stick came out of nowhere to smack the windshield of her car
  • A giant gust of wind followed by intense snow flurries for about 10 minutes
And now it's sunny.  But still windy.  What a way for Mother Nature to end the year!

1 comment:

  1. I did not have all the crazy wind blown stuff that you did, but I did watch the 5 min snow storm blow in while I was at Pacers. Talk about a strange day.
