Monday, November 10, 2008

Wedding Report: 11/9/2008

Well...its official:  Rebecca and I are MARRIED!!!!!  I'd give a full report, but the two of us are still giddy and I can't sit down and compose my thoughts for more than 30 seconds.  However, I'll let the pictures do the talking.  Don't forget to view the slideshow at the bottom of the page for even more great pics.  To sum it up - Beautiful day, beautiful bride, beautiful wedding.  Enjoy!


  1. HUGE congratulations to y'all. You both look amazingly happy in the pictures.

  2. Yeah! I'm clicking right over to see the pictures. Congratulations, guys!!

  3. See? Now I'm crying. At work. Thanks.

    (it was beautiful!)

  4. Congratulations! You and your wife are beautiful.

  5. Adam, Those were some great photos. It was truly a lovely wedding and it looked like you two had a great time. Tomorrow is my 3 year anniversary--it does get easier.

    I was reading the new brides blog and saw her post on the name change. My 2 cents is for her to change it. Both my brother-in-law (the husband of my sister in law) and I were adamant about the name change. For both of us it was a deal breaker. However, you have already tied the knot. LOL

  6. Congrats! You guys look great in those photos, it looks like the wedding was amazing.

  7. mazel tov! What a happy couple you make! here's to a fantastic life together!

  8. awwww! congrats!! I love the pictures - you both look STUNNING!!!
