Thursday, April 17, 2008

The World's Tightest IT Band

I went to see an orthopedic specialist, and after asking me some questions, he started feeling around my general knee area. His conclusion: "You have the world's tightest IT band". This is what my doctor told me! Finally, there is something I can appreciate about this injury. The world's tightest...who would've thought? That explains a lot I guess and why I can't just shake this thing, even after a few weeks of rehabbing. He basically told me I don't need him for anything, because I am doing everything I should be doing to get better. Just goes to show what solid research skillz I have. Too bad its taking so long. Bottom line is that I will continue progressing (hopefully) with my run times and distances. Once I can do 15 minutes without major discomfort (already done), try 20 minutes, and so on. According to him, I'm not going to re-aggravate it or do any further damage to slow my progress, so its just going to be nagging for the time being. And thats it...


  1. you should consider coming on the gimp late-season tri trip :)

    feel better...


  2. here's hoping you shake the tightness soon. glad you've got the 15-min run sans discomfort down... little by little!

  3. maybe you already answered this but what does this mean towards all your races?

  4. Basically, nothing changes as of yet. I'm taking it day by day. I still have some time to get better and if I have to walk the run portion, I'll walk. Hopefully over the next 2 weeks I'll see some significant progress, as stated by my doctor. If thats the case, I see no reason why anything needs to change.

  5. You write very well.
