Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bike P0rn - For Real

Some of you...cough...have been clamoring for the results of my romance with several bikes over the past month. Well today is the day, when I announce the winner of The (Bike) Bachelor.

(cue suspenseful music)

Trek Madone 4.5/5.2
Trek, you were really nice to me. I test rode 2 of your rides. Since there wasn't a 4.5 in my size, I rode the 5.2 and loved it. You shift very smoothly and ride over bumps without even the littlest bit of notice. Then, I finally found a 4.5 for a test ride. Although smooth, your ride was not as nice as the 5.2. A bit heavier than your brother, but just as smooth.

Orbea Onix
Orbea, you really know how to design a sweet looking bike. With sleek lines and a brilliant paint job, I liked you from the first time I laid eyes on you. Once I finally got a chance to give you a test ride, I was equally impressed. Smooth riding, light weight, and sweet looks. Its hard not to be attracted to you.

Kuota Kharma
Kuota, I felt like you were the big dark horse in this competition. Though I've always been fascinated by your looks, you were long considered out of my price range. When I had the opportunity to test ride you, I was thoroughly impressed. Your lightweight, sleek looking, Italian ride really made a great impression on me.

Felt Z35
Felt, I have always been a big fan of your bikes. When I first thought of buying a triathlon bike, I coveted the S22. Then, as my focus shifted to road bikes, I was drawn to you. You offer the same high quality components package as all the others you are competing against. But was it enough to win my heart?

(cue even more suspenseful music)

And the bike that I selected...the one that impressed me the most...the one that really stood out...the one that wins the competition is....

KUOTA KHARMA!!!!!!!!!!!!

And here are some pictures of how it actually looks...I had a little help from my bike p0rn model, Piper and of course my photographer, Rebecca. Enjoy!


  1. Oooohhhh...a new toy!

    Awesome looking! And you've got it up on a wall, like a picture. ;)

  2. very nice. Now I feel the need to offer my serives to test the Kuota to its fullest extent and provide my professional opinion on the machine.

  3. PRETTY!!!

    (sorry, was i supposed to write something about specs orcranks, etc?)

  4. Rule #1 (according to your high school english teacher) ALWAYS credit your sources!

  5. Ok, ok...sorry about that. My wonderful photographer in crime, Rebecca, took all the pictures.
