Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

It seems as though I'm the big winner recently. 2 big wins in the same week!

First, I was the male winner for the B-Fit B-Day Challenge (thanks to everyone who voted!) for February. I am very excited to get some awesome Rudy Project sunglasses and a sweet looking helmet. I'll keep you posted once I receive them in the mail. Definitely going to make me FEEL faster out there this season by rocking out in style if nothing else, so stay tuned....expected delivery is in about 2 weeks.

Second, Rebecca and I finally were able to make it to one of the TriCats meetings. We've been to a few of their events and one meeting, but really hadn't been able to make much else due to travel and other schedule conflicts. We are finally looking forward to joining a local Tri Club and racing with some great people. One of the benefits of going to this meeting was that they were raffling off 4 free entries for the Luray Triathlon. Rebecca did this race last year, and I had a blast watching it. I also pre-rode the course, so I know all about it. Anywhoo...yours truly was the recipient of one of those 4 free entries. After I won, they asked that I pick the next raffle ticket out of the bag. And sure enough, the number I read was Rebecca's! So now we've got another race to add to the list. Can't wait!

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