Saturday, March 29, 2008

FinishThe National Marathon: Check

I'm back. I'm sore. I'm hungry. One long nap and several mimosas later, I'm starting to feel a bit better.

Just a short update from the race. I finished strong despite having not run for the past 5 weeks. My body didn't seem to like the idea of running a marathon, but what can you do? I pulled through.

Unofficial time from my watch: 3:57:43.

More details to come later. Must rest on couch.


  1. omg, congratulations. i can't believe you haven't run for 5 weeks! i hope everything felt good. i look fwd to the race report; and congratulations again (your first marathon right????) HUGE DEAL!

  2. Many congratulations, marathoner!!!!

    Mimosas are a great idea!! I just read something about vitamin C reducing soreness... just the ticket!!

  3. Many congratulations, marathoner!!!!

    Mimosas are a great idea!! I just read something about vitamin C reducing soreness... just the ticket!!

  4. Holy crap - you haven't run for five weeks and you just rocked a sub-4 hour marathon? Damn man, that's awesome! Congrats - go back to the couch now and relax.

  5. Holy crap - you haven't run for five weeks and you just rocked a sub-4 hour marathon? Damn man, that's awesome! Congrats - go back to the couch now and relax.
