Saturday, February 9, 2008

One down, two to go...

Here I am in the peak of my marathon training. Oh the long runs. They just keep getting longer, don't they? I remember way back (almost 2 months ago) when my long runs were "only" 13 miles. Now I'm into the big stuff. 13 milers are run on my off weeks, which I am certainly looking forward to after my longest run to day: 18.13 miles. See the course below:

With this run in the books, I only have 2 more long runs left. Unfortunately, they are both 20 milers, split apart by off weeks. That leaves about 6 weeks till the big day. I definitely feel ready. Today's run was solid to say the least. I kept the pace steady for the first 10 miles and then opened it up a bit to the end. Add the fact that I swam 2000 yards last night after work, and thats a sweet start to the weekend.

Here are the states from the run:
Distance: 18.13 miles
Time: 2:26:40
Pace: 8:05/mile


  1. Hey man, thats a good pace. Good luck with the rest of the marathon training. Today was a great day for running. To bad, I have to run on Sunday in the cold and wind.

  2. Nice pace, well played. Funny how that weekend is sneaking up, isn't it? I've got a race that weekend as well (Half Iron) and been watching the date creap closer out of the corner of my eye.

    Keep on truckin!

  3. Very nice! You should have a great day :)

  4. Long runs suck. There's no other way around it. Keep pressing.
