Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thursday's 3 for 3

Today was a day of productivity. Three things on my to-do list.

#1 was to take my mountain bike to the LBS to check out my rear derailleur and see what's up with that and problems I've been having. Turns out, Winz was dead on with his diagnosis. Needed to adjust the barrel a little bit and a few minor twists on the limiter screws and the ghost shifting is gone...for now. And it better be gone for good, at least until after next weekend for Xterra Richmond.

#1 - Done

#2 was to go for a ride on my road bike. Today's ride was to continue riding the hill loop that I recently discovered. The loop is about 6 miles, but straight up hard climbing. Long, steep climbs...then downhill for a minute...then another long, steep climb. It definitely trashes the legs pretty good. I rode 2 loops in the hot near 90 degree weather and that was enough. In all, a little more than 1000 ft of climbing for only 12 miles. Not bad.

#2 - Done

#3 was to go for a swim. I did three hard 500m sets as my main set, focusing on a fast start and settling into my race pace. Each one progressed to a faster split, which is exactly what I was aiming for.

#3 - Done

There you have it. 3 for 3. A productive Thursday if I may say so myself!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to be of service. Definatly a productive day, perchance the karma goblins have moved on.
