Tuesday, February 27, 2007


For those of you that played a sport competitively growing up, you know all about two-a-days. Most people who grew up swimming, had a session at the crack of dawn (don't forget to thank your parents for taking you to the pool all those years!) and a session after school. Personally, I grew up playing soccer for multiple teams at a time, in addition to running cross country/track for my high school. I would frequently have 2 and sometimes 3 practices a day. My after school schedule consisted of track practice, then off to 1 or 2 soccer practices. Weekends involved track meets and multiple soccer games. Honestly, I never considered it too much, because it was something I enjoyed, and having fun is a critical part of being able to do it all. It was just part of life and I accepted it.

So yesterday, as a triathlete, I began what will be the first of many two-a-days this season. Its amazing how much life repeats itself. Triathlons have become a part of my life, it is always fun (except getting hit in the face in open water swims) and I've accepted the daily demands of my workout schedule. Yesterday's workouts consisted of an early swim for about 30 minutes and a spin class later in the day for an hour. My body definitely was feeling the effects of the two workouts, but I got through it fine, and feel fully recovered today. So that's good news to my ears, since I'm planning to do a tempo run this evening.

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