Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The search for the perfect heart rate monitor

Much the same way that triathletes love their bike porn, my latest fetish has been HRM porn. I've already gone through one Cardiosport Xtreme HRM that crapped out after 1 season. I got it cheap and it acted like it was cheap (no, not in a sexual way). Oh well...now I know better than to get a crappy unit. I got a Nike Triax C6 for my girlfriend/triathlon trainee and liked it, but I need more umph. I like the idea of graphs and charting out my progress. So, I'm in the search for a good HRM that I can use when I go on bike rides and runs.

Choices, choices, choices....People say you can't go wrong with Polar. Then there is also the Garmin Forerunner, Timex Bodylink, and Sunnto models. They all have their own bells and whistles, pros and cons, etc. Through lots of research, I think I've decided that GPS units have too many issues with tree coverage, so that basically leaves Polar. It seems like Polar has the best software and are a proven company in the business. They also offer ad ons like power that I might want to use in the future.

Ok. Now that I know which company, what model should I go with? Ideally, the Polar s625x is the best option, since it has all anyone could ever want in a HRM. The con - its so freakin expensive. As a chronic bargain shopper, I will continue to search for the best price. To be continued....

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